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Dr. Stone說過靈魂從頭頂(相當脈輪說的頂輪)的位置進入人體,沿著脊椎往下一直旅行到薦骨。這是靈魂在人體所在的位置。

在脊柱裡被腦脊髓液包圍的是中央神經系統(脊髓),在其核心有個中空的通道稱中央渠道。從腦部沿著脊隨一直到薦椎,組成了身體的核心系統。這也正是Dr. Stone所說靈魂旅行的路徑。



節錄翻譯一段Dr. Stone 於兩極療法( Polarity Therapy)中談靈魂在人體生理層面的展現。


靈魂是存在的本質,是體內的生命。 靈魂透過腦部與脊髓的中心,直達尾骨底端,以二元中性能量運作。雙臂和雙腳是技藝與動作兩極化表達的槓桿。




(譯至 Dr. Randolph Stone Polarity Therapy Volume 1, Book 3, "Polarity Therapy" Page 30)

The soul is the essence of being and life in the body, and functions through the brain and the center of the spinal cord, to the end of the coccyx, as dual neuter [neutral] energy. The arms and legs are levers of polarized expression for skill and motion.

The cerebrospinal fluid seems to act as a storage field and a conveyor for the ultrasonic and the light energies. It bathes the spinal cord and is a reservoir for these finer essences, conducted by this fluidic media through all the fine nerve fibers as the first airy mind and life principle in the human body.

Through this neuter [neutral] essence, mind functions in and through matter as the light of intelligence. That is why it is the ruler of this fine energy in the fields of function. Mind energy is a reality, as much as and even more potent than atomic energy. A mental block is often a very serious matter. Who can restore the mind function or balance?

The soul acts through mind substance, energizing the polarized fields of the brain for specific function and motion. The sensory fields are in the front and on the top portion of the brain. The motor fields are in the back and the bottom portion of the brain. Waking consciousness resides in the anterior part of the brain, at a point between the two eyes and immediately above the bridge of the nose. In sleep, this essence descends to the lower centers. This describes a living physiology of energy function.

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